529 College Savings Plans
If you find yourself intimidated by the ever-rising price of higher education, then a 529 college savings plan might be a key component in saving for a college education. A 529 college savings plan is a tax-advantaged way to save for college and pay for higher education expenses. Unlike some other savings vehicles, a 529 college savings plan may allow you to make sizeable contributions. The funds may generally be used for any qualified college or higher education expense, including tuition, room, board, fees, books, supplies, and equipment. Tax benefits may be subject to certain restrictions.529 College Savings Plans
If you find yourself intimidated by the ever-rising price of higher education, then a 529 college savings plan might be a key component in saving for a college education. A 529 college savings plan is a tax-advantaged way to save for college and pay for higher education expenses. Unlike some other savings vehicles, a 529 college savings plan may allow you to make sizeable contributions. The funds may generally be used for any qualified college or higher education expense, including tuition, room, board, fees, books, supplies, and equipment. Tax benefits may be subject to certain restrictions.Types of 529 Plans
College Savings Plans
Allows you to invest your money in an account to pay for the student’s higher education expenses. Students can use the funds for qualified expenses at accredited institutions in the U.S. and abroad.
Prepaid Tuition Plans
Gift Tax and Estate Tax Benefits
529 plans are partially exempt from the gift tax. You can contribute up to $14,000 ($28,000 for married couples) annually2 per beneficiary, or up to $70,000 ($140,000 for married couples) over a five-year period, without triggering the gift tax.3
Keep in mind that your gifts are excluded from your estate, so investing in a 529 Plan can be a smart strategy to reduce your estate tax.
Scholarship Withdrawals
Funds may be withdrawn without penalty if the beneficiary receives a scholarship (withdrawals can be made up to the scholarship amount), or in the event of the death or disability of the beneficiary. Ordinary federal and state income taxes would be owed on any investment earnings included in gross income.
2 Annual exemption amounts are subject to revision by the Internal Revenue Service.
Conditions, such as contribution limits, vary by plan. 529 college savings plans are subject to market risk and volatility. Accounts may lose or gain value. Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against loss
Before investing in any plan, investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. Plan disclosure documents contain this and other information about the plans and may be obtained by asking your financial professional. Read these documents carefully before investing.
Some states offer favorable tax treatment to their residents only if they invest in the state’s own plan. You should consult your tax advisor.