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Changes Ahead For Social Security?

What Can You Expect? When it comes to Social Security benefits, most people do not plan on it as their only source of retirement income. However, it has been and will continue to be an important retirement foundation for retirees across the country. The question...

Don’t Let Debt Hold You Back

Don’t Let Debt Hold You Back

Millennials are entering adulthood with record levels of debt driven by school loans. In fact, two-thirds of all millennials with a bachelors degree have student loans. The average student loan, according to the 2013 Urban Land Institute Study, is $27,000 vs. $15,000...

Does An Annuity Fit Your Goals?

Retirement means spending less time working and more time with the people you love and on activities you enjoy. But, it also requires spending money—on your housing, food, utilities and other necessities—and if you worry about whether you’ll have enough, you’re not...
